Events in Moldova

Gustar Music Festival 2012

I’ve been out for a while but now I’m back 🙂

Yesterday, August 26th, we were lucky to be invited by friends to the Gustar Music Festival. We left Chisinau around 2PM and got there around 3PM. We didn’t know what to expect. We had two kids with us, and our friends had a 3 month old baby with them. By the time we left (around 7PM), we were all exhausted, dusty, somewhat drunk (my husband and I) and super excited for the adventure we have had.

I have to say I wouldn’t wanna miss it when it happens again next year. But, I will remember to get a case of water, beer and food so we don’t have to stand in line. And bringing kids, if you have them, is an absolute must.

Now, let the pictures speak for how it felt to be there: